Nail art by Rachel

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Umm, hi. Yeah, it's me, Rachel. Long time no see, right? It's been seriously too long since I even looked at this blog.

So basically this is an "I'm sorry" post.

 I'm sorry that I haven't posted in what seems like three years.

 And yeah, I realize that no one even reads this blog, but I'm kinda sort of apologizing to myself.

For some strange reason, my nails started breaking a little bit after my last post. So obviously, I wanted to wait for them to grow back before I painted them again.

But, because I'm an extremely stupid human being, I got into a habit of biting my nails. Which is honestly disgusting to think about, even for me. I bit them when I got bored, when I was tired, when I was nervous, et cetera.

I wanted to paint my nails sooo bad,but I couldn't stop biting them! To be honest, it was pretty devastating for me.

The point of this post, though, is to tell anyone who's reading this that I've almost gotten to the point of not biting my nails! Hopefully in a couple months I can start posting again.

Again, I'm so sorry for avoiding this post for so long. But I'll see you guys soon!
